Terms & conditions


Aquesta funció arriba amb la versió del complement Livechat 10.2.0.


You can add terms & conditions to your channel. These terms will be shown to all users joining the chat.

To configure the terms & conditions, go to the channel configuration page:

Screenshot of the channel options form, with a field to configure your\nterms and\nconditions. Screenshot of the channel options form, with a field to configure your\nterms and\nconditions.

URL in the message will be clickable. You can also do some styling: Message Styling.


When joining the chat, viewers will see the terms:

Screenshot of a chat session. On the top of the chat, there are terms and\nconditions for both the server and the\nchannel. Screenshot of a chat session. On the top of the chat, there are terms and\nconditions for both the server and the\nchannel.


Peertube instance’s admin can also set global terms & conditions. If so, these terms will be shown above your channel’s terms.


Anonymous users will only see the terms & conditions once they have chosen their nickname (in other words: once they are able to talk).

You can change the terms content at any time, it will be instantly updated for all viewers.

Users can hide the terms & conditions. When doing so, terms won’t be shown again, unless you change the content.


If your Peertube instance allows joining chat with XMPP clients, users using such clients will see the terms as chat messages, coming from a “Peertube” account. When you update terms, they will receive a new message with the update terms content.